On July 17, 1948, the first Constitution of the Republic of Korea was adopted.
As the nation endured political upheaval in the pursuit of democratic development,
the Korean Constitution has been amended nine times, the last time on October 29,
The current Constitution represents a major advancement in the direction of full
democratization. Apart from a legitimate process of revision, a number of substantive
changes are notable. They include the curtailment of presidential powers, the
strengthening of the power of the legislature and additional devices for the protection
of human rights. In particular, the creation of a new, independent Constitutional Court
played a vital role in making Korea a more democratic and free society.
The Constitution consists of a preamble, 130 articles, and six supplementary rules. It is divided into 10 chapters: General Provisions, Rights and Duties of Citizens, the National Assembly, the Executive, the Courts, the Constitu tional Court, Election Management, Local Authorities, the Economy, and Amendments to the Constitution.
The basic principles of the Korean Constitution include the sovereignty of the people, separation of powers, the pursuit of peaceful and democratic unification of South and North Korea, the pursuit of international peace and cooperation, the rule of law and the responsibility of the state to promote welfare.
Constitutional amendment requires special procedures different from other legislation. Either the President or a majority of the National Assembly may submit a proposal for constitutional amendment. An amendment needs the concurrence not only of the National Assembly but also of a national referendum. The former requires the support of two-thirds or more of the National Assembly members, while the latter requires more than one half of all votes cast by more than one half of eligible voters in a national referendum.