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역대 연설문․메시지

아시아무역진흥회의연차총회 축하영상메시지(영문)

  • 작성자 : 이무윤
  • 등록일 : 2010.06.04
  • 조회수 : 3235
Honorable members and respected observers of the Asian Trade Promotion Forum(ATPF),
Distinguished guests,

It is my pleasure to welcome you to Seoul on behalf of the Korean government. Congratulations on the opening of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Asian Trade Promotion Forum!

The world economy has been showing signs of recovery in 2010. However, unexpected risks including the recent financial default in some European countries remain a threat to global financial stability. Many countries are still feeling the shock of the economic crisis, and it will require much more time and effort before we see a full recovery.

Despite such unfavorable conditions, Asia’s economy is healing fast and continuing to grow. The world is now looking toward Asia to become the stronghold of the world economy.

Asia is at a turning point of history, preparing to make the leap into the global spotlight. I believe it is very meaningful that Asian TPOs have gathered to forecast the changes that the future will bring and redefine their roles accordingly.

I am aware that the theme of this Meeting is “One Asia, The Future of a New Era.” Asia showed the world its true power by successfully rebounding from financial crises in the 1990’s. This theme indicates the way forward as Asia takes the next step toward a brighter future.

The Korean government will be hosting the G-20 Summit Meeting this November here in Seoul. As the chair of the upcoming G-20 Seoul Summit, the Korean government plans to take on the important role of promoting reform in the global financial order.

The Korean government is ready to share with you the steps that were taken to overcome a financial crisis and achieve growth and development once again. In return, I would like to ask delegates from around the world to share your wisdom for sustainable and balanced growth. I believe this is precisely why the heads of Asian TPOs have gathered here today – to exchange knowledge and wisdom, and to explore ways to embark on a better tomorrow for us all.

I would like to express my deep appreciation to Dr. Cho, Hwan-Eik and KOTRA for organizing this event. I hope for a successful outcome of the 23rd ATPF CEO Meeting, and I wish all the participants a pleasant and memorable time here in Seoul.

Thank you.