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OECD 탄소감축포럼(IFCMA) 발족 행사 영상축사(영문)

  • 작성자 : 연설문관리자
  • 등록일 : 2023.02.10
  • 조회수 : 2272

Prime Minister’s Message for the Launch of the IFCMA


Distinguished Delegates,

Ladies and Gentlemen.

It is my great honor to address you on the occasion of the launch of the Inclusive Forum on Carbon Mitigation Approaches (IFCMA).

I do not have to remind you that humanity is now facing a climate crisis unprecedented in scale.

No single country can overcome this global crisis alone.

It is only through a sense of international cooperation and solidarity that we can avert the impending catastrophe.  

Our success depends on coordinated plans and concerted actions.

Such plans and actions, in turn, require a mutual understanding of the different situations and priorities of each country and region.

And that is why we believe sharing knowledge, experiences and lessons is critical in our common endeavors to rise to the climate crisis.

This new Forum will play a significant role as a venue for policy dialogue and information sharing,

in particular by setting up a comprehensive mitigation policy database and facilitating cost-effectiveness analysis of such policies.  

At this juncture when we engage in the Global Stocktake (GST) to assess the implementation of the Paris Agreement,

some countries face obstacles due to a lack of information and proper policy guidance.

The GST will once again demonstrate the importance of the exchange of experiences and best practices.

The launch of the IFCMA is not simply timely but indeed crucial in this sense.

The Republic of Korea is pursuing its 40% reduction target by 2030, pushing forward to 2050 carbon neutrality.

This year we will establish the “National Framework Plan for Carbon Neutrality and Green Growth”

which includes reduction roadmaps by year as well as by sector.

The Presidential Commission on Carbon Neutrality and Green Growth will ensure that the roadmaps are implemented in a systematic and intensive manner.

In the course of the upcoming discussions at this Forum, Korea will share the experiences of introducing and implementing its major mitigation policy tools,

such as the Emission Trading Scheme, and other non-pricing policy measures including Climate Change Impact Assessment and Greenhouse Gas Reduction Cognitive Budget System.

We are also ready to work with you to establish and enhance global standards for mitigation policy.

Korea will continue to play an active role in mustering the global will for carbon neutrality and translating it into tangible climate action.

We owe this not only to our citizens, but indeed to future generations.

I would like to take this opportunity to reaffirm that

the Republic of Korea will render its heartfelt support for your efforts.

Thank you.